Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, April 25, 2014

MRI update 4/25/14

I am thrilled to announce that today was ANOTHER GOOD SCAN! 

Results of the MRI today showed that everything is stable and maintaining! No new tumor growth and all blood tests are normal. The trial meds will continue as planned. Results from today were quite a relief to us all. We tend to get anxious in the week leading up to an MRI, but God is good and reminds us that we need to fear not- he is in control! Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please give thanks, and continue to lift mom up in prayer. As always, Sue is grateful for your love and support. 

Take this great news into your weekend, and enjoy time with family and friends; as we will too! 

Love and Gratitude,
Lizzy (For Mama Sue and the whole Roberson Family)

PS- a few great pics of Mama Sue from last weekend. 

Mom and me on Easter 

Nonnie and Reid making beautiful Easter Eggs


  1. Continued prayers for you Sue! I am so happy to hear that you had good news today.

  2. Prayers are with you all every moment! I'm thrilled with the news and God is hearing our prayers. ..and I REALLY love the pictures! Thanks Lizzy and Tracy, you are awesome!

  3. Hi Sue,
    SO glad to hear that today went well. I think of you often and will continue to pray for you. Get yourself well and come and visit Noelle and me at our barn. We are working together and are selling at flea markets, to shops and online. We could have a blast visiting and catching up and we'd love to see your smiling face. All the best. XO
