Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, April 25, 2014

MRI update 4/25/14

I am thrilled to announce that today was ANOTHER GOOD SCAN! 

Results of the MRI today showed that everything is stable and maintaining! No new tumor growth and all blood tests are normal. The trial meds will continue as planned. Results from today were quite a relief to us all. We tend to get anxious in the week leading up to an MRI, but God is good and reminds us that we need to fear not- he is in control! Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please give thanks, and continue to lift mom up in prayer. As always, Sue is grateful for your love and support. 

Take this great news into your weekend, and enjoy time with family and friends; as we will too! 

Love and Gratitude,
Lizzy (For Mama Sue and the whole Roberson Family)

PS- a few great pics of Mama Sue from last weekend. 

Mom and me on Easter 

Nonnie and Reid making beautiful Easter Eggs

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sophia & Chloe Jewelry Fundraiser

We are so excited to be sharing this news with you! Sophia & Chloe are offering 40% of their online jewelry sales straight to the Susan M. Roberson Trust. This generous offer comes when you purchase any of their beautiful jewelry and enter the offer code MAMASUE at checkout. 

Treat yourself or a woman in your life to a beautiful piece of jewelry, all while supporting Mama Sue! Thank you for taking a moment to browse through their collection to find the perfect piece for you. 

Visit and enter MAMASUE and checkout

Ongoing Update

It’s been a while since our last dose of good news, so we wanted to give you an update on the most recent happenings in our world. (Also- I wrote this about a week ago, and am just getting around to publishing... sorry for the delay)

Last Friday (two weeks ago really) was a “UCLA Day”, as we call them; a day of early rising and hitting the road to get up there for a day full of poking and prodding. On UCLA Days when there is not an MRI, the drill is usually pretty standard: blood work, followed by a check-in at the research center, a quick lunch, and hopefully back on the road before traffic gets too horrendous. Friday’s check-in was positive and uneventful. (PS- we like uneventful) Blood work came back fine and the study meds will continue as directed.

Recently, mom started seeing a new eye doctor, to get a second opinion and some occupational therapy for her loss of vision. The loss of peripheral vision on her left side remains to be the biggest struggle and hindrance of her day-to-day progress. Imagine not seeing someone who walks up next to you, or passes you something at the table, or just being unsure of your surroundings because you’re only ever seeing just half. Obviously, this is a problem that could be much worse and if this is the challenge that she has to live with, we will deal; however, it most definitely makes things difficult and most of all frustrating. She now has a new contact prescription and new glasses. :)

Her new Dr. seems to believe that with time and specific therapies, the pathways in the brain that carry the optic nerves and fibers that control vision can be restored, at least somewhat. This was music to our ears and we are hopeful! So for now that means, weekly visits to a “spinning table and flashing lights” and daily eye exercises. (I apologize for the crude explanation, but that’s the most basic description) Like most people going through any type of physical therapy, Mom doesn’t exactly enjoy these therapies. But agrees that if it will help her current vision, it will be worth it. 

As always, we as a family, on behalf of Sue, ask that you continue to think positive thoughts, and send up prayers for strength and complete healing. Through all this we know one thing for sure- God is in charge and He is good. Dr.’s are great, and we’re thankful for those we’ve been blessed with, but HE is the true healer. So please, ask for his favor in her health, and give thanks for all that we’ve been given along the way. Wednesday of this week (last week) was exactly one year from Mom’s first surgery…a milestone that many with her diagnosis sadly do not get to see… we have so much to be thankful for.

As her daughter, I ask something too- if you find time in your coming week to find some way to send some words of encouragement to her, be it through the internet, in a card, text, or voicemail, know that it will be graciously received. When we talk about the people that this blog and the Facebook page reaches, it brings tears to her eyes every single time. You are so important to her; please let her know you feel the same way. Every bit of encouragement and positivity is stronger than any dose of trial medication. :)

On that note- the same goes for Roger/Dad. Those of you that know this dynamic duo know that they are a true team, and what one feels, the other does as well. He could use your encouragement. He is, as always, everyone’s rock.

Thanks for reading. Sue's next MRI is scheduled for Friday April 25th. I will post results here.