Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Birthday

Hi everyone. This is Lizzy, Sue's daughter. We have been talking for a while now about starting something like this so we can have a place to easily update you all on Mom's progress. We know how much you all care about her, and we want you to always feel connected and in the loop. Although Mom would love to talk to you all and post on Facebook herself, these days, getting on the computer is difficult, and we think this is the best way for her to update all of you.

In the last year, we as a family have been completely overwhelmed by the love and support we have received from all of you. We wanted to start off here thanking you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you've done for us. So many of you have provided amazing meals, run errands, spent time with, and PRAYED for Mom. Your love has made all the difference.

We are approaching the year mark from when Mom was diagnosed last March; hence the Happy Birthday! We are celebrating the gift of a year, giving thanks, and asking for many more!

A brief summary of the last year, for those of you who may not know...
In March 2013, a trip to the Emergency Room resulted in the discovery of a very large tumor in the right temporal lobe of Sue's brain. After surgery (at the hands of a most amazing team at Scripps La Jolla) pathology reports confirmed that the tumor was a Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multi-forme, an aggressive form of brain cancer. After recovering from surgery, Sue started treatment in the form of radiation and chemo. Sue is being treated by the Neuro-Oncology Department at UCLA Medical Center. We feel so blessed to have access to the true experts on this form of cancer. Since last summer, Sue and Roger have commuted up to UCLA regularly for check-ins and MRI's. Sometimes once a month, but most recently once a week. 

For most of the year, treatment seemed to be going as well as could be expected. In November, an MRI showed a new spot that was previously not there. We watched it closely for 4 weeks, and when it doubled in size, it was decided that a second surgery would be necessary. Sue's second surgery went well and she recovered very quickly from it. She is currently taking part in a clinical study through UCLA for a new medication designed specifically for patients with reoccurring Glioblastoma. We all pray that this is the miracle drug that we and so many other families have been waiting for. It is not considered Chemo, but is similar. The possible side effects from this medication are what you would expect with most Chemo meds, aside from hair loss... Mom is rocking a combover that she says hides her Miley Cyrus  hair do. Her hair has been steadily regrowing ever since radiation last year. The major side effect is fatigue, which is better or worse depending on the day. In Mom's words, "it is unnerving to be taking something that no one really knows much about." She is taking it one day at a time; working hard to stay positive and healthy. 

Her next MRI is scheduled for Friday, February 28th- We will post an update here. 

Again, words can't express the gratitude that we feel toward all of you. It has become so apparent to me how important my mom is to all of you. I've had conversations with many of you that just want to do something to show your love and in many cases, your thanks, for the many ways Sue has touched your life. I've always known, but never been more aware of what an incredible person my mom is. 

Many of you have asked about or already contributed to a trust that has been established to assist with medical bills, with the help of Tracy Carmichael (our official Guardian Angel). The information for how to donate is below. The generosity of those who have already contributed is truly incredible; and we thank you so much. 

The trust is the Susan M. Roberson Trust 2013 and checks can be made out directly to it, and sent to 
                               Tracy Carmichael
                               4566 Horizon Dr.
                               Carlsbad, CA 92008
If you have any questions regarding the trust, please email Tracy @

Thank you for reading and caring about Sue. Please continue to PRAY FOR COMPLETE HEALING! We will post updates here. 

Love and Gratitude,

The Roberson Family 

1 comment:

  1. Lizzy, thanks, love, and prayers to you, Tracy, the doctors, and mostly Sue and your entire family. Thanks for the trust info and know im here if anyone needs anything.
