Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, February 28, 2014

2/28/14- UCLA Update

Hi Everyone-

I just received news that everything went well today! Today was Sue's MRI and check-in up at UCLA. 

The MRI results showed no new tumor growth (which is exactly what we have been praying for)! Woop Woop!!! This is her first MRI since right after her last surgery in December. The images showed a slight amount of reduction in the tissues surrounding where the tumor was too! Also good news! (reduction basically translates to the cells in the tissue returning to "normal"- there is a difference in color on the MRI image) This could be due to a decrease in swelling from after surgery, or more proof that the trial med is working. I'd like to believe it's a combination of both, but more of the latter! 

This news was received with relief by all of us, but most importantly, by Mom. She will continue on the Trial Meds as prescribed. Her next check up will be March 14th, but no MRI scheduled until the end of April. With some down time, she can focus on regaining energy and hope!

She wanted to make sure that I thank all of you for your PRAYERS and LOVE! We have been totally overwhelmed by the response we've gotten from this blog. She couldn't believe when I told her how many of you had visited! Keep the love and prayers coming!  Your positive support is such a motivation to her.

We will continue to update you here of any progress. Feel free to leave comments below! 

Have a great weekend- Give thanks for answered prayers, and ask for continued healing!

Love and Gratitude, 


  1. Lizzy, u r amazing! Thank you and Tracy for keeping us informed, taking such good care of mama Sue, and just being so wonderful!

  2. Such good news. Thanks for all the prayers, keep them coming.

  3. Good news - thankful - prayers continue - hi-sign to Suzie Q
