Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 2015 Update

Hello Friends and Family,

First off, I apologize for not updating you all sooner. 

Good news, bad news is how we usually do this, right? 

The good news is that for months, there really has not been much to update. After Sue's July surgery, progress has been slow but consistent and with the trial she is currently on, time is needed for the doctors to really know if and how well it is doing its job. 

A little background on this trial:
During the July surgery, two areas of tumor growth were successfully removed and a third was not, due to the fact that it was wrapped around a blood vessel. The areas surrounding the extractions, and the remaining tumor were injected with a virus known as Toca 511. This virus is self replicating and attaches itself to cancer cells. Weeks after surgery, the trial introduces a treatment medication known as Toca FC. When the Toca FC enters the cancer cells with the Toca 511, a new chemical is produced, 5-FU (as in F- you, cancer... that's my interpretation at least). 5-FU is an FDA approved cancer fighting drug. The goal is for these chemicals to infect as many cancer cells as possible, and over time go to war and cause the cells to completely self-destruct. The Toca FC treatment is taken by pills on a cycle. Sue is also alternating with an additional chemotherapy treatment drug called CCNU. (the idea is to blast the cancer cells while they are vulnerable from the 5-FU.) Early studies show that the combination of these two may be more effective. 

So for the not-so-good- news... 

It is known that the combination of these medications can at times lower white blood cell counts and make life more challenging. Additionally, during the time when we are waiting for these chemical changes to occur, the tumor that was not removed during surgery is expected to grow. Because of the location of this tumor, there are side effects to that growth. Sue has had increasing seizure activity; something you would probably not notice as they are usually very subtle but the results are becoming more and more obvious. The left-side deficit that existed before the surgery is growing increasingly worse. Her vision is quite terrible, and more recently, she has major neuropathy in both her left foot/leg and left hand/arm. As you can imagine it is becoming more difficult to be independent in day to day tasks. 

Tomorrow, (wed 10/14) Sue will have an MRI (unscheduled... her next was supposed to be on 10/26) to help the team at UCLA determine what is causing the seizures, and how much if any the tumor has grown. This is a rough patch in the journey, that as we understand, is expected to a certain degree. It is difficult to say the least, but we are hopeful that as time goes on, the medication will do it's job without taking more of a toll on her. This week her lab results showed that her white blood cell counts were too low, so they are holding off on her starting the scheduled round of CCNU. 

At this point, there is much that is unknown. As always, we thank you for your continued love, support, and most of all your prayers.
What we do know, is that all the medication and knowledge of doctors in the world, doesn't compare to what our God and Healer can do. We continue to put our faith in Him, and trust that He has been in control and will continue to lead and heal. 

I promise to be more on top of these updates for you all.