Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, July 24, 2015

Surgery Updates

Sue's surgery was delayed several hours today; rather than starting at 12:30, it was closer to 3:00.

This morning she was fairly calm and relaxed, and she was able to rest a bit before going in. We will post updates as we get them.
We just met with the Dr. and the surgery went well. Mom did well and handled everything. She is recovering. We will get to see her briefly tonight, and will update you all on her status here in this post tomorrow. Please continue to pray for these important hours to come. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Familiar and Unwanted Territory

Hello Friends and Family,

Tomorrow, Friday July 24,  Mama Sue will undergo her 3rd major Brain Surgery since her diagnosis in March of 2013.  Many of you have followed her progress and have been a huge support to her and to the rest of our family. You know by now that Sue is a fighter, among many other things. As her daughter, I am devastated that she has to go through this, again. But I'm encouraged because I know this next step is the best option for her treatment; and that she is in the most capable hands at UCLA. 

For those of you that are not up to date on the latest developments

In June, Sue's scheduled MRI showed regrowth of tumors in multiple areas in her brain. We were all disappointed because the clinical trial she had been apart of for the past year and a half had been successful at keeping the tumor growth at bay, and also had relatively mild side effects... in a way, we had time to figure out the new normal, and things were beginning to settle. The thought of her going through another surgery and starting that progress over again is heart-breaking. However, all the while, we have known that there is unfortunately no cure for Glioblastoma, only methods to buy time; and we are all grateful that there was another option ready and waiting. 

Tomorrow, during surgery, Sue will enter a new clinical trial. We are fortunate that there is a trial for her to take part in that is aggressive and has seen positive results in some patients over the years. Surgery is scheduled to be from 12:30- 5pm. We anticipate that she will be in the hospital at UCLA throughout the weekend, and may possibly come home early next week; but it's difficult to say. I know that many of you would happily brave the drive through LA to visit her, but the days following surgery are so important that she have peace and quiet in order to allow her brain to heal, we ask that you instead, please spend time praying for her from home.

Please continue to pray that:

  • the doctors will have the knowledge and vision to give her the absolute best care possible.
  • during surgery, Dr. Liau will be able to remove all three of the tumors without effecting brain function.
  • specifically her vision would not be further effected, as this is currently one of her biggest deficits. 
  • her recovery from surgery will be quick and without any set backs.
  • her attitude will be positive and hopeful, and without fear.
  • the entire family, especially Roger, will have peace during and after the surgery; as well as patience to help with her recovery.

Thank you for continuing to support Sue and our family through this time. We appreciate your love, support, and prayers more than words can express. 

Tomorrow, I will post another bog post, that I will update throughout the day and weekend. Please feel free to check in and leave comments that we will share with Sue.
