Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19th Follow up MRI

4 weeks ago, Sue's scan showed a spot that had not previously been there. Her doctors could not say with certainty that it was regrowth; it's possible that it's just some fluctuation or scar tissue,... They wanted her to come back for another scan in 4 weeks, where they could take another look and note if there had been any changes, in order to make a better decision.

So here we are 4 weeks later... we will head up to UCLA this morning for appointments all day.

Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done."

This is the verse we must cling to today as we head to UCLA for Sue's follow up MRI. God has done so much for the healing and recovery of Sue, and we are so grateful. But we need Him to remove whatever this spot is so her recovery can continue. Join us, not in worry, but in praise; and ask for complete healing.

Later today, I will update this post with the results we receive.
Unfortunately, we did not receive the news that we wanted to hear. The spot that had emerged on the last MRI has since doubled in size and there are a few other spots that are worrisome. The good news is that the team at UCLA has plans and options in place. We have some decision making to do as a family, in the next few days. As always, please continue to pray for peace, guidance, and complete healing.