Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Friday, August 15, 2014

8 Month Check in

It's an early morning drive to UCLA, for today's 8 month MRI check. It's getting confusing because we are actually about a year and half into this battle, since Sue's diagnosis in March 2013; but we are 8 months out from her second surgery back in December. Since then, she has been taking a clinical trial medication with so far, good results. Today's significance is that, it was at the initial 8 month MRI last time, that the recurrence popped back up on her scan (which led to her second surgery and change of meds).

We are optimistic that today will yield the same good results we've been getting since starting the trial, but I know that in the back of my mind at least, there is also doubt. I try to push it out; I know we all do. We pray and focus on the good, the constant, the true healer. I know that regardless of results that come today, HE never changes, and HE will lead us through the next phase of our battle- good or bad. 

This morning, please give praise to God who has blessed us beyond words throughout this entire journey. Pray for continued peace and strength for Sue and Rog as they sit and wait today for results. Pray that doubt doesn't linger in their thoughts, and that they are renewed in their hope of assurance that God is in control. And as always, please pray for COMPLETE HEALING. 

Thank you for your dedication to lifting up our family. We know this is the most powerful form of healing. I will post here later today with results. 

- Lizzy, for all of the Roberson


"Your scan is fine!" Our Dr. at UCLA knows how to start a meeting. Those are the first words out of his mouth as he walks into the room. No need to say hello or ask how you're feeling- get right to the point. AMEN 

So the details are these: 
- the MRI scan showed no change or new growth (answer to prayers)
- the doses and meds will continue on as prescribed (answer to prayers; continue prayers that side effects will be nonexistent or mild as they have been)
- the trial as a whole is getting close to wrapping up and being published. Sadly, not all the participants have had the success that we have seen. Researchers will look closely at tumor tissue and personal cases to try and discover what makes the difference in certain patients. (We pray for a cure for all those affected by brain cancer)
- once the Study is published, Sue will still have access to the meds as long as they continue to provide the same results. 
- as of now, visits to UCLA will continue every 2 weeks, and an MRI every 2 months. There was talk about possibly decreasing the frequency of check ins to once a month, once we reach the 1 year mark.

It was nice to get more info about the trial and study, and even better to hear our Dr. speak about the future with a little more certainty. In the beginning of all this, every time you mentioned Glioblastoma,  doctors would unfortunately look at you as if it were a death sentence. Today, I felt a deep sense of optimism and hope.

To say it simply- today was a good day. Thank you for your constant support and prayers. Until next time- give thanks and ask for more!

We even got some vitamin D during our wait time today!