Mama Sue

Mama Sue

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Greetings everyone!

Mom and Dad wanted me to update everyone on their most recent visit to UCLA this past week.

This week's visit to UCLA was primarily a check in; with the typical blood work and trial med checks. Mom also had an Echo-Cardio Gram. This procedure was protocol for the clinical trial. The purpose was to verify that there are no negative heart-related side effects from the medication. All results showed that there has not been any change to Mom's heart since starting the clinical trial. All is good.

The next scheduled MRI is August 15th. This next MRI will mark 8 months from Mom's second surgery, last December. Please pray for continued reports of no new growth. Please also pray for continued healing of Mom's vision. Her peripheral vision remains lost and though she is undergoing therapy to help, the daily struggle with her vision is challenging.

For those of you not on Facebook, that check in here on the blog to get updates on Mom and Dad, we wanted to let you know that our Silent Auction Fundraiser Event was very, very successful! We were overwhelmed at the outpouring of support we received in the form of auction items, monetary donations, and the turn out of friends and family! We as a family can't thank you enough for all that you did to help us make this a successful night. Also, to those of you that came out to Pollos Maria on Monday night!

Stay tuned for more updates and news from our family, and our journey to beat this beast called Brain Cancer.

As always- Love and Gratitude,

Lizzy for the entire Roberson Family